Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Sound Mix

Last week was a busy week. Susan went into the music studio to record the wonderful eerie music she composed for the film and Eric was hard at work on the sound edit! I've gotten a couple of chances to hear what he's doing and it's pretty awesome Tomorrow I go into the sound mix. Which is basically spending all day long watching my movie and making sure all of the sound effects, dialogue and music sound perfect. I've only ever sat in on a sound mix before so it'll be exciting to take part and take charge. Jamie won't be able to be there which bums me out, however David will be stopping by in the morning which will help give me confidence in the afternoon. And Jordan might even stop by to take advantage of the air conditioning and see what a sound mix is like.

Although I've been working so hard on the film I feel as though the end of the process has kind of snuck up on me. I've been so focused on the smaller details I haven't considered the bigger picture (no pun intended) I am so close to finishing the film. With the music composed and the sound finishing up this week all that's left are the Visual Effects (compositing in progress ), color correct and then conform. It seems like nothing, almost completely manageable. And then... I will have a physical tape of my film which I can hold in my hands. All of my other films being basically online digital creations it's incredible to me that I will have physical evidence of my movie. It almost seems unbelievable that after about 2 years of work I'm almost finished....

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