Friday, August 6, 2010

Post Production Official

Post production has officially begun! I dropped off all of the VFX with Lisa my fabulous compositor yesterday. Getting everything prepped for her was quite the learning experience. I had to transfer a whole bunch of the Red Raw files (which is what the original footage we shot on) to a different kind of file called a 4K pro res. It took 24 hours and all of the processing power my little macbook pro could muster. However, the computer accomplished the task and soon Lisa will be hard at work filling in all the computer screens in the office and making the final green screen shots look awesome. Jamie and I will be doing our picture lock edit on the 16th and then I deliver all the sound files to Eric at Sound One on the 17th and he'll start the sound design and edit. (We had a spotting session last week where we watched down the film and discussed all the sound details) Susan Hwang has joined the team as the composer and I look forward to hearing all the creepy and lovely sounds she comes up with.

It's amazing that I'm actually in the final stages of the process. Soon I'll have a tape of my finished film in my hands that I can hold and a year and a half of work will be complete!

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