Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Big Apple Film Festival A Success!!!!

I have to say last night's screening was a big success. It was amazing to see my film with an audience and get a whole new perspective on it. People's reactions were amazing. They were scared in the right moments and laughed in places I wouldn't have expected. I should clarify they were laughing with the movie not at it!!! It was such a trip to hear people connect with my film this thing I created.

Afterwards the Q&A was nerve wrecking. Everyone said that I looked totally at ease and confident but if they'd seen me up close they would have known I was shaking. I just had to keep remembering what Jordan tells me. Stand up straight, don't fidget, smile like you mean it and make eye contact with your audience. It was also amazing to get such a warm reaction when I introduced myself. I don't think I've ever gotten applause just for me before (excepting when I was small and in a recital or something but that doesn't really count). I have to say I felt like a bit of a rock star. I hope this is the beginning of something good.


Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Getting Ready

So right now I am trying to mentally prepare for the film festival which is coming up fast. I can't believe it's less than a week away! I'm a bit nervous about seeing my film with an audience. How will they react? Will it be a success or a bomb? Will people forget it as soon as they've seen it? It feels like there is a lot riding on this screening, however I'm sure that I am just putting undue pressure on myself about it. I've been working on my next screenplay again. Man that's been a long process, but it's getting there for real! My parents and my aunt are coming in town for the festival which will be very exciting although a bit nerve wrecking I love you guys but my family is demanding! I wonder where I get it from. Anyway, that's it for now if I hear from any other festivals I'll make sure you know!

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

The End

Today I finish my film. The sound is done, the VFX are finished and today we do the color correct. So now it's almost over, and by the end of the day for all intents and purposes it will be. It's been a crazy year and a half raising funds and then getting everyone together to shoot and edit. I think I"m still kind of in shock that it all actually happened. I feel honored to have worked with so many talented people, and honored that so many talented people would come together to help get this film made. From here on out I'll be focusing on festivals and promotion. Gotta get myself an agent and manager to keep on moving up!

Wednesday, September 29, 2010


Congratulations to everyone who worked on the film!! Hunting has been accepted into the Big Apple Film Festival right here in NYC! It takes place from November 2-6!! As soon as I have more scheduling details I will let you all know.

Big Apple Film Festival is a small festival here in NYC and it screens predominantly shorts. I am excited to be part of this festival for several reasons. 1. Moviemaker magazine called it on of the 25 coolest festivals last year, so that is pretty rad. 2. It's in NYC which makes it accessible to the industry people I know here, plus all of my NYC family and buddies who've been harrassing me about when they can see the film. 3. It'll be nice to get my feet wet in a smaller festival to sort of ease my way into the festival experience. Because hopefully this is the first festival of many!!

I am over the moon as they say!

Friday, September 3, 2010


We did the sound mix on wednesday and it was awesome. David came by for the first half of the day and really helped me figure out what to listen for and how to approach the mix. Eric was wonderful as always; working at the huge control panel and in pro tools responding to our comments and figuring out how translate my crazy suggestions. It was freezing in the mix room, but luckily Jordan stopped by with a sweat shirt and to check out the mix process. The film sounds so awesome with the music and all of the affects it. I am so excited for people to see it!

I can't believe the mix is already over. I mean good lord there are really so few things left to do. Next up is color correct, VFX delivery and conform. And that's it . I may be being redundant but I think I'm in a bit of a state of shock!!

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Sound Mix

Last week was a busy week. Susan went into the music studio to record the wonderful eerie music she composed for the film and Eric was hard at work on the sound edit! I've gotten a couple of chances to hear what he's doing and it's pretty awesome Tomorrow I go into the sound mix. Which is basically spending all day long watching my movie and making sure all of the sound effects, dialogue and music sound perfect. I've only ever sat in on a sound mix before so it'll be exciting to take part and take charge. Jamie won't be able to be there which bums me out, however David will be stopping by in the morning which will help give me confidence in the afternoon. And Jordan might even stop by to take advantage of the air conditioning and see what a sound mix is like.

Although I've been working so hard on the film I feel as though the end of the process has kind of snuck up on me. I've been so focused on the smaller details I haven't considered the bigger picture (no pun intended) I am so close to finishing the film. With the music composed and the sound finishing up this week all that's left are the Visual Effects (compositing in progress ), color correct and then conform. It seems like nothing, almost completely manageable. And then... I will have a physical tape of my film which I can hold in my hands. All of my other films being basically online digital creations it's incredible to me that I will have physical evidence of my movie. It almost seems unbelievable that after about 2 years of work I'm almost finished....

Monday, August 23, 2010


A couple of days ago I found out about the grant. I guess you are only notified on September 1st if you actually recieved funds. I however was not chosen to recieve the Women in Film Finishing Fund Grant. Sigh, it's a good thing I've been working my ass off this summer saving up money because I'm going to need all of it for post production which I've already committed a lot of funds too. My parents have generously offered a loan, but I'm hoping that maybe I can somehow swing the costs myself. I've reconciled myself to the loss of the grant money now, I mean it's just money. What I'm having more trouble getting over is not being recognized. I always thought that the money would be awesome, but that to have recieved a prestigious grant would really be a feather in my cap and lend me some of the legitimacy and acclaim that I crave. I am by no means someone who needs constant approval or recognition (If I did I would have given up on film a long long time ago) But it certainly is nice to be recognized, and there is also the idea that when someone or institute with power recognizes and awards you that soon others will follow. Not because people are sheep, but because sometimes we need someone else to go first to give us the courage to stand up and say, damn it that person is a talent or deserving or even just really determined.

Anyway, in lighter news Sound edit is proceeding and the music is turning out fantastic. I just have to find a studio to do my music recording that's cheap enough for me to afford. And I have a mini ADR (Additional Dialogue Recording) session today which will reunite me with my actors. So full steam ahead cause the train's gone full throttle out of the station and there is no way to stop it now.