Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Big Apple Film Festival A Success!!!!

I have to say last night's screening was a big success. It was amazing to see my film with an audience and get a whole new perspective on it. People's reactions were amazing. They were scared in the right moments and laughed in places I wouldn't have expected. I should clarify they were laughing with the movie not at it!!! It was such a trip to hear people connect with my film this thing I created.

Afterwards the Q&A was nerve wrecking. Everyone said that I looked totally at ease and confident but if they'd seen me up close they would have known I was shaking. I just had to keep remembering what Jordan tells me. Stand up straight, don't fidget, smile like you mean it and make eye contact with your audience. It was also amazing to get such a warm reaction when I introduced myself. I don't think I've ever gotten applause just for me before (excepting when I was small and in a recital or something but that doesn't really count). I have to say I felt like a bit of a rock star. I hope this is the beginning of something good.
